Adjustable straddle design offering wide applicability across various pallets
Great maneuverability in narrow spaces thanks to turtle speed
Standard proportional lifting system ensuring precise lifting
Powerful AC vertical traction motor
LI-ion battery option for flexibility and convenience
Product Description

The innovative AC system offers strong power, accurate control,excellentperfommanoe.
High strength vertical gearbox, longerworking life.
Low-noise but durable hydraulic unit,good quality cylinder as well as hoseensure the high reliability of hydraulicsystem.
AMP connector and durable electricwires greatly reduce malfunctions ofcomponents.
H shape channel mast improves thestrength of the whole truck.Staddle design ensures the stability ofhigh lifting.
Safe hydraulic system design preventsmast from falling down abruptly whenhydraulic pipeline cuts off.
Emergency reverse belly button protectsthe operator from getting hurt.
Emergency disconnector will cut offpower souroe to avoid accident whentruck goes out of control.Multiple lifting limit protection ensures safety.
Automatic switch to lower speed whenthe fork reaches its setting height.
Anti-rolling back brake keeps the truckfrom skidding down when truck is out ofcontrol or travelling on ramp.Long operational tiller ensures safetydistance for operators.
With the new design of ergonomical tillerhead, all buttons can be reachedconveniently &comfortably.
Long tiller reduces the steering foroegreatly.
Creep speed function: when tiller is innear vertical position, the driving speedwill decrease automatically, allowingdelicate operation in confined space.
Side-open battery design for easybattery replacement and variousapplications.